Appropriation Summary

Report Name Example Reports Description District Last Updated
SSDT Appropriation Summary Example Standard appropriation summary created by the SSDT. Sorted by fund then SCC code. Lists appropriation account information SSDT 05/14/19
Appropriation Summary By Object Level - Detail Example Standard appropriation summary that sorts by ascending object level Elida 05/14/19
Appropriation Summary By Fund and Object level - Summary Example Standard appropriation summary sorted by fund and object level and summarizes the totals for each fund and object level Elida 05/14/19
Appropriation Summary By Fund and Object Level - Detail Example Standard appropriation summary sorted by ascending fund and object level Elida 05/14/19
Appropriation Summary By Fund and SCC - Summary Example SSDT appropriation summary that sorts by fund and SCC but only lists the totals for each fund and SCC Kalida 07/11/19
Appropriation Summary By Fund - Summary Example Standard appropriation summary that sorts by ascending fund code but only lists the totals for each fund Carey 08/08/19
Appropriation Summary By Cash Account Example Standard appropriation summary that sorts by cash accounts NOACSC 05/20/20
Appropriation Resolution - Sorted By Fund and Obj Level Example Similar to the canned Appropriation resolution report but sorts and subtotals by fund code and object level Marion Local 07/30/20
Appropriation Summary By Fund and Function Code Example Standard appropriation summary that sorts and subtotals by ascending fund and function code Hancock 08/04/20
Appropriation Summary By Object Level - Summary Example Standard appropriation summary that sorts by ascending object level and only lists the subtotals Elida 08/04/20
Appropriation Summary - Sorted by FS and Obj Level - Detail Example Standard appsum that sorts by ascending Fund-SCC code and object level. It does NOT use the summary option Delphos 10/06/20
Appropriation Summary - Sorted by FS and Obj Level - Summary Example Standard appsum that sorts by ascending Fund-SCC code and object level. It does use the summary option Delphos 10/06/20
Appropriation Resolution Summary By Fund Example Similar to Classic's APPRES recap sheet, this report lists funds FYTD appropriated amounts Bluffton 04/05/21
Appropriation Modification History (APPCHG) Example Similar to Classic's APPCHG report, this will list any additions to the current month and fiscal year appropriations Liberty Benton 08/04/21