Budget Summary

Report Name Example Reports Description District Last Updated
Budget Summary Sorted By OPU and Full Account Code Example Lists an OPU code followed by an appropriation account description then sorted by ascending full account codes Eastwood 05/14/19
SSDT Budget Summary Example Standard budget summary created by the SSDT. Sorts by cash account (Fund-SCC) SSDT 05/14/19
Budget Summary By Full Account Code with YTD Expenditures Example Standard budget summary but replaces MTD expenditures with YTD expenditures Spencerville 05/14/19
Budget Summary Sorted By Object Code / Function Code Example Standard budget summary that is sorted by ascending object and function codes Antwerp 08/07/19
Budget Summary 5YF By FFLine - NO Example Budget summary sorted by FFLine Number Carey 08/07/19
Budget Summary 5YF By Function Code Example Budget summary sorted by FFLine - No / Function code Carey 08/07/19
Budget Summary 5YF By Object Code Example Budget summary sorted by FFLine - No / Object code Carey 08/07/19
Budget Summary 5YF Detail Example Budget summary sorted by FF Line - NO, object level, and object code Carey 08/07/19
Budget Summary By Object Level Example Budget summary that sorts and subtotals by each object level Carey 08/07/19
Budget Summary By Account Example Standard budget summary sorted by full budget account codes Carey 08/08/19
Budget Summary Sorted By Function Code and Object Code Example Standard budget summary that is sorted by ascending function and object code. Putnam 10/17/19
Budget Summary Sorted By Fund-SCC and Object Code Example Standard budget summary sorted by ascending fund-scc codes and object codes Putnam 10/17/19
Budget Summary Sorted By Fund-SCC and Object Level With Page Break Example Standard budget summary that is sorted by ascending fund-scc code then by ascending object level with a page break after every new fund-scc code Putnam 10/17/19
Budget Summary - Sorted By 2Digit Function Code Example Standard budget summary sorted by ascending 2 digit function code. This report uses the summary option Leipsic 10/06/20
Budget Summary - Sorted by Forecast Line Number Example Standard budget summary that is sorted and subtotaled by ascending forecast line number Delphos 10/06/20
Budget Summary Sorted By Fund and Object Level - Summary Example Standard budget summary sorted and subtotaled by ascending fund code and object level. It uses the summary option Findlay 10/06/20
Budget Summary Sorted By Fund - Summary Example Standard budget summary sorted by ascending fund code. It uses the summary option Findlay 10/06/20
Budget Summary Sorted By Fund-SCC and Function Code Example Standard budget summary subtotaled by Fund-SCC and Function code Antwerp 04/29/21
Budget Summary Sorted By Fund-SCC and Object Level - Detail Example Standard Budsum that is sorted by ascending Fund-SCC code then by ascending object level Mercer County 04/29/21
Budget Summary Sorted By FS, AP, and AC Example Standard budsum sorted by ascending fund-scc, appropriation account, and expenditure account codes Mercer County 04/29/21
Budget Summary Sorted By FS, AP, and AC With Page Break Example Standard budsum sorted by ascending fund-scc, appropriation, and expenditure accounts. Includes a page break for each fund-scc Putnam 04/29/21